NRB Exchange Rate Today

Here is today's Nepal Rastra Bank's exchange rate of Foreign Currencies. All  these exchange rates are fixed by Nepal Rastra Bank  and listed on their official website. Although there is certain updates sent by Nepal Rastra Bank regarding the Foreign Exchange Rats of Nepali currency it always differ with the exchange rates given by the well known Remittance companies like Western Union and IME. So NRB's daily exchange rate can only give you certain idea regarding the ups and down of the Nepalese currency exchange rate. 
Whenever some one about to send money to their families in Nepal would love to check out the daily update of this Foreign exchange rate of Nepali currency. Because it has a huge effect when you are doing a transaction of big amounts.

Here is a quick currency converter tool powered by Google which works as per the current Foreign currency exchange rates. If you are planning to send some money to your friends and family in Nepal this tool will help you estimate the total in Nepalese Rupees as per today's excange rate.

Also here is the latest updates of Current Exchange Rate of Nepali currency.
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How to Transfer Balance in Ncell to Ncell Mobile

Today i am going to share you tips on how to transfer balance from one Ncell mobile number to another Ncell mobile number. It was really hard time when we are out of Ncell recharge card and there is no more recharge cards available on local shop. Those were the early days of Ncell but these days it's no longer like that. It's easy now as Ncell has enabled balance transfer service to all the Ncell sim users. Now anyone can transfer balance from their Ncell mobile number to others Ncell number. 

This Ncell balance transfer is only available for Prepaid mobile users of Ncell. Prepaid users have to dial 17122 to get started and start using balance transfer service which is free. After activating the service a user can send a minimum of Nrs 10 up to Nrs 200 to his friends and family using Ncell prepaid mobile number. A single user can transfer the balance up to three times a day. Ncell will also charge a minimum of Nrs 1 (excluding tax ) on each balance transfer transaction.

Users can surf the Internet, call their their friends and use text messages with the money received by balance transfer.